
Empowering Choices: The Evolution of Social Freezing and Cryogenic Advancements

Social freezing?

Years ago, companies like Apple and Facebook made headlines by offering to cover the cost of egg freezing for their female employees to avoid maternity breaks in their careers. Interestingly, while some may debate the role of employers in family planning, the practice of "social freezing" has been quietly happening in Germany for years. Did you know that a Munich-based reproductive center has been covering the cost of egg freezing for its employees since 2007?

One of her patients, Arline, opted to freeze her eggs at the age of 25 to feel in control again about her life and family plans. While the retrieval procedure and storage of the eggs is not necessarily expensive, some people like Arline can benefit from their employer paying for the cost of the intervention.

People might treat this with criticism and wonder if 25 is too early, but according to Dr. Jörg Puchta, a reproductive medicine specialist, it's all about quality. Since a woman is born with all her eggs, freezing them at a younger age preserves their quality, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy later on. In the last decade, cryogenics has seen remarkable advancements, revolutionizing the way we preserve biological materials like eggs. Thanks to innovative techniques and technologies, such as vitrification, the process of freezing eggs has become more efficient and reliable. Vitrification involves ultra-rapid cooling to -196 degrees Celsius, minimizing ice crystal formation and preserving the delicate structure of eggs.

At Consarctic, we understand the importance of cutting-edge cryogenic technology in reproductive medicine. Our state-of-the-art solutions ensure the safe and reliable storage of biological samples, including eggs, for future use. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we're proud to support advancements in reproductive health that empower individuals to take control of their futures.